Training Course Material On Fire Safety


Training Course Material On Fire Safety will be created and developed for teaching in class throughout second level schools all over Europe. The fire safety course will include 5 - 6 lessons for second level students and teachers guide.


Start date: 2018 10 23

End date: 2020 01 23

BFireSafe@School e-learning (follow up e-learning)


The e-learning tool will be a summary of the school room training course. The aim of it is to remind the students the main important subjects that they have discussed in class.  Six short (7-10 minutes) follow up e-learning courses will be created to consolidate the learning in the classroom material.


Start date: 2019 11 23

End date: 2020 10 23

Learning Management System


The aim of LMS is to make the training results measurable with easy access to the training material, e-learning courses, tests and allow teachers analyse the results and measure the progress of the students.


Start date: 2019 05 24

End date: 2020 10 23

Evacuation Video e-learning


The e-learning practical course will be a detailed video action plan for school staff and students in case of evacuation. It will show the evacuation process through the eyes of a student and school staff with a detailed step by step guide.


Start date: 2020 07 23

End date: 2021 02 23